I value my time, and I also value yours. Based on this I only accept workshop requests that from owners that I feel I can add value too, and I only do up to 5 workshops per month. Limited appointments are available. 😱
Sometimes with business mentoring, it’s as simple as helping you realign your goals and objectives. This is often the case if you have owned your business for a few years, as it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day running and stop thinking strategically or creatively. This hinders long-term growth. It’s extremely important to regularly step away and think about your business plans.
I am here to help you build a sustainable plan using techniques that work today. I will help you see game-changing business growth over the coming years.
A struggling business owner came to me with a £2m business suffering from cashflow problems and staffing issues. I completely rearchitected the business, helped create realistic forecasts and educated the business owner on profit management. This has saved the business and it’s now back successfully trading and growing.
Running a successful online store can be a complex business, navigating cash flow and stock management, marketing and customer experience. I worked with the business owner to create a plan and strategy allowing the store to grow 78% in just 6 months with over 10,000 unique visits every single month.
This client had one major issue. They were letting imposter syndrome hinder business growth. When we’re in a business every day sometimes issues arise where it clouds our judgement. I worked with this client to help him understand what he wanted out of his business, and then rebuild stronger to help him scale successfully.
My office is in Fareham and I work with clients throughout Hampshire and beyond.
Lancaster Court
8 Barnes Wallis Road
PO15 5TU
(By pre-arranged appointment only)
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