If you need help with your business and would like me to support you, pop your details in the form and i’ll arrange a time to give you a call.
I am also looking at investment opportunities, speaking events and company acquisitions.
If you have anything you think I may be interested in, please do get in touch.
Sometimes with business mentoring, it’s as simple as helping you realign your goals and objectives. This is often the case if you have owned your business for a few years, as it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day running and stop thinking strategically or creatively. This hinders long-term growth. It’s extremely important to regularly step away and think about your business plans.
I am here to help you build a sustainable plan using techniques that work today. I will help you see game-changing business growth over the coming years.
A struggling business owner came to me with a £2m business suffering from cashflow problems and staffing issues. I completely rearchitected the business, helped create realistic forecasts and educated the business owner on profit management. This has saved the business and it’s now back successfully trading and growing.
Running a successful online store can be a complex business, navigating cash flow and stock management, marketing and customer experience. I worked with the business owner to create a plan and strategy allowing the store to grow 78% in just 6 months with over 10,000 unique visits every single month.
This client had one major issue. They were letting imposter syndrome hinder business growth. When we’re in a business every day sometimes issues arise where it clouds our judgement. I worked with this client to help him understand what he wanted out of his business, and then rebuild stronger to help him scale successfully.
My office is in Fareham and I work with clients throughout Hampshire and beyond.
Lancaster Court
8 Barnes Wallis Road
PO15 5TU
(By pre-arranged appointment only)
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